Serbian street artist Artez made a brief sojourn to Cairo, Egypt to create another ethereal, large scale mural in only two days. The artist sought to incorporate Egypt’s storied culture into the new work, titled “Sand Stories.” A statement released by the artist explains, “During my stay and especially during the time I was painting this mural, I have learnt a lot about country’s rich history and tradition, and realized that Egypt is so much more than just Pharaonic times and camels.” The United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA) supported the project.

Upon first glance, “Sand Stories” calls to mind the beginning of an epic journey, the Egyptian street art equivalent of pulling the eight of cups from a deck of tarot cards. A man dressed to guard against the desert’s natural forces has boarded a richly decorated camel, and is depicted dynamically forging his path straight out of the scene. Traditional hallmarks of Egyptian culture loom in the background, palm fronds and a pyramid populate the scene. A clear, bright full moon shows this man is traveling in the night. Yet, upon closer inspection, the viewer notices his shoes and realizes this man is dressed in modern garb. His journey must be taking place in our modern era.

In his statement, Artez continues, the “subject I have choose to paint on this wall became an ideal platform for conversation and helped me to open the door of an amazing new world. Behind each mural, there is a story, and sometimes these stories trigger a change in the way we think and influence our lives more than we could have ever imagined. I have a feeling that this will be one of ‘these’ stories!” While the mural initially appears straightforward, the contradiction Artez highlights between ancient and modern cultures leaves interpretation to each viewer. The artist frequently includes small details in his work that completely change the meaning of the scene. Once again, with “Sand Stories” each viewer likely to devise their own unique story and meaning with the materials Artez has provided them.

UNFPA “is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity.” The organization does so by “using population data for policies and programs to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV and AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.” As the powerful character that Artez has created sets out to some unknown destination, his face looks stoic and determined. Regardless of what message the viewers distills from this powerful work, it seems to be as optimistic as this man’s journey. Wherever he is going, he appears to be confident in his belief that it holds some fantastic potential.

Artez: website | facebook | instagram
UNFPA: website | facebook | twitter

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