Interesni Kazki in Gainesville, Florida


Interesni KazkiInteresni Kazki, the talented duo from Kiev, Ukraine were in Gainsville, Florida last month to participate in the second phase of the 352walls urban art project that began in October of last year. The 352walls which is founded and curated by  Iryna Kanishcheva, is a visionary multi-site project aiming to transform several existing and underutilized building facades into imaginative works of public art.

Interesni Kazki, is made up of Aleksei Bordusov and Vladimir Manzhos, who also go by their respective aliases AEC and WAONE. The duo helped initiate the urban art movement in eastern Europe, and have gone on to paint their fantastical images around the world including works in Italy, Austria, Denmark, France, India, Australia, Mexico as well as here in many cities in the US. The name Interesni Kazki translates to interesting fairy-tale, and their whimsical images incorporate themes of science, religion, cosmology and social subjects, transporting the viewer through a unique universe of symbolic, complex and dreamlike compositions.

Interesni Kazki in progress

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352walls/The Gainesville Urban Art Project is a groundbreaking tourism development initiative for the area coordinated by the City of Gainesville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department (PRCA) and sponsored by the VisitGainesville Tourism Development Office, the Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), the Gainesville-Alachua County Art in Public Places Trust and the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Council on Arts and Culture. This international urban art project promises to position Gainesville as a cultural destination in future years, foster economic development and promote urban renewal.

This type of mural project is a trend in the United States and internationally. However, events of this magnitude are typically found in larger metropolitan areas such as Seattle, Denver, Detroit or Miami. This is a first for Gainesville and North Central Florida!

This massive and transformative project was conceived and is curated by Iryna Kanishcheva.

To learn more about 352Walls visit the website and connect on social media at:
Twitter @352walls
And Instagram @352walls

Photography © Iryna Kanishcheva

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