2017 has been a very busy year for Argentinean Artist Milu Correch. She had her first solo show “Among Ashes” in Buenos Aires, her hometown, and managed to paint several murals in Argentina and parts of Europe.

About “Among Ashes” Exhibition
“Among ashes” is Milu’s first solo show exhibited in April 2017 in a workshop in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It consisted of various paintings, drawings, installations and a fresh mural. Milu creates an image with its own mystery to generate a curiosity that won’t be easily fulfilled and invites you to fill it with fresh stories.

About the Mural Series Project
After the “Among Ashes” exhibition, Milu took the project to the streets of different cities around the world including Fanzara (Spain), Vienna (Austria), Sapri (Italy), Airola (Italy) and Quilmes (Argentina).
The murals depict girls that are stripped of childlike innocence hidden behind the masks. The children do not propose a playful scene but a secret story. A darker story that sways between this world and another untold one. The old and rusty cars that no longer function for what they were created for, are aesthetic objects whose oxides give a more organic and useless life. They are evidence of an action, of fire and time that is now locked up in their static.

About Milu Correch
Milu Correch is an Argentinean graffiti artist known for her large-scale murals and imagery that creates a world without limits. She started painting the streets of her hometown Buenos Aires in 2012. Her subjects focus mainly on mythological and anthropomorphic figures, fusing classic, ancient and Latin American iconography with characters from modern myths.
Even though she is considered as a representative of female street art, Milu does not see street art as a place for gendered binary. It is rather a place for all people to express themselves. Milu shares her perceptions with all street artists, in the hope that the next generation would not believe in this dichotomy.