With the on-going impact of the pandemic resulting in the CDC urging people not to travel or be at large gatherings during the holiday season, it’s not much of a surprise that the 2020 edition of Art Basel Miami as well as other major art fairs, live painting events, and more that happen within the first week of December have been canceled or moved to a virtual space.
Amidst this very uncertain time and economic crisis, many artists are also exploring other ways to use their work to both raise money for charity, and keep us amused while remaining indoors.

HOXXOH (Douglas Hoekzema) is participating in ART X PUZZLES: PUZZLES WITH PURPOSE, a global initiative to support the Artist Relief Fund, Black Lives Matter, and The Children’s First Response Foundation striving during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kenny Scharf, ZEVS and Banksy are just a few on the 70+ artist roster. For those that love HOXXOH’s murals and artwork can now enjoy a rare, unique and custom-made limited-edition jigsaw puzzles from the artist, best known for his use of projection and dripping techniques to give life to fluid painterly shapes and patterns embedded in a philosophical approach.
The 285 Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces (horizontal) 12″ X 16.5″ (310mm×418mm) is an original collectors item and comes in a premium puzzle box. It’s also accompanied by an engraved USB drive holding a certificate of authentication, jigsaw image and background about HOXXOH. A portion of the proceeds (or All proceeds) from sales will go to the First Responders Children’s Foundation.
With the launch of his limited-edition puzzle just in time for the holidays, making it a “hot” gift item for those inside during the holiday season we took some time to connect and catch up with the Miami-based artist.

What inspires you?
My work consists of the relationship between order and chaos. Unpredictable forces of nature that create harmony. That being said and despite living in a city, I draw most of my inspiration from immersing myself in nature. Taking long hikes, camping and kayaking, observing the synergy of the unknown.
Can you tell us about your career as an artist, and provide any advice to other artists starting out, what would you share with them?
My career as an artist has been a roller coaster of a ride and I hope it continues to be. Being adaptable and reactionary are skills that I have found to be helpful in creating a career as an artist and my process. The greatest piece of advice I was given when starting out was “you just have to keep on doing it”! I will and encourage others to do the same and not be disgruntled by the falls we have on the way.
How did the impact of the coronavirus affect your business as an artist?
Coronavirus has given me the opportunity to take a step back, slow down, and understand that change is a constant, which I feel has been the consensus across our creative community. I have been handed the golden ticket of time as the only thing Plan A is good for, is to know what you’re not going to do, so best make a plan A, B, C, D, and beyond.

What caught your interest about the ARTXPUZZLES: PUZZLES WITH PURPOSE project?
Creating my work is not too dissimilar to solving a puzzle. Collaborating with ARTXPUZZLES is a great opportunity for the audience to experience some of my process and the orderly chaos within. Sidenote…my parents, who have always been supportive of my career as an artist, thoroughly enjoy puzzles and I thought it would be awesome to see them solving a puzzle that consists of one of my paintings.
Your work has been described as hypnotic and multi-dimensional. Do you feel that your puzzle will also convey the same cerebral effect?
The act of solving a puzzle can be a hypnotic and mesmerizing experience which aligns with the immersive experience my audience has when viewing my work, be it as a painting or a mural. I hope the audience or puzzle solver has a hypnotic experience
Do you feel that your puzzle will be well-received by your fans and collectors?
Always hopeful. I trust my fans and collectors as followed for some time and can appreciate the progression in my processes and formats. This particular piece is from a new body of work that has yet to be revealed, so I hope this taster fairs well.
Will you try to put your puzzle together?
Of course…I’m a methodical person and I look forward to starting the timer the completion from start to finish. Been interesting to see the various approaches to the puzzle…speed or time and care.
What are your future goals and hopes for 2021?
I’m fortunate enough to have some key murals and projects lined up for 2021 and I hope that we globally start to gain control over the virus primarily for humanitarian reasons but also to start lifting quarantine rules. I have my solo show lined up in Paris, France that will showcase more of this body of work that I am eager to share with the world, hence why I am more than happy to team with ARTXPUZZLES for the sneak peek. Other than that I want to keep on painting and creating In these crazy times.
Click here to pre-order the HOXXOH jigsaw puzzle arriving December 20th!
Douglas Hoekzema, aka Hoxxoh attempts to show us a different way of viewing time through a means of exploring its natural fabric. His work creates a new foundation and approach to evaluating and appreciating time. The oscillation of the pendulum paints time through gravity’s natural pull. Expressing how we can be pulled in one direction, when we are really meant to be going in another. How resistance creates a struggle and a false sense of control. Where if we follow the natural flow of times predetermined, yet unseen path, an experience of beauty and pure form will take shape.
Puzzles with Purpose was conceived by independent curator, arts writer and creative entrepreneur Rachel Vancelette in May 2020 as a multifaceted sales initiative to support a range of contemporary artists as they faced the economic fallout from the world’s ongoing battle against COVID-19. Expanding horizons, Puzzles with Purpose sought artists from across the globe to shine a light on their studio practice and to create a unique Collector Edition Jigsaw Puzzle. A percentage of all net-proceeds from each puzzle will be allocated to participating artists for their studio practice and creative endeavors while a percentage of proceeds from each sale will also benefit their respective cause of choice with a few artists donating their complete profits to COVID19 relief efforts.
Puzzles with Purpose recognizes the essential role of creatives to our world and that artists in particular will require endorsement and sustained support to continue their pursuits during the current crisis. Puzzles with Purpose works together with artists to create unique jigsaw puzzles in materials including wood, gently magnetically backed puzzles as well as traditional premium paper using available technologies and top die-cutting capabilities which will help support craft makers and other small businesses. The use of exclusive AI technology has produced one-of-a-kind jigsaw puzzle shapes with laser cut images for unique puzzles, all with brilliant reproductions of color.
Artist Relief is an initiative organized by the Academy of American Poets, Artadia, Creative Capital, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, MAP Fund, National Young Arts Foundation, and United States Artists—all small to mid-sized national arts grantmakers—that have come together in this unprecedented moment guided by the understanding that the wellbeing of artists has financial, professional, social, and mental dimensions, and should be fostered with a holistic framework of support. As such, Artist Relief will distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19; serve as an ongoing informational resource; and co-launch the COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers, designed by Americans for the Arts, to better identify and address the needs of artists moving forward.
The official BlackLivesMatter Global Network builds power to bring justice, healing, and freedom to Black people across the globe. Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. Our intention from the very beginning was to connect Black people from all over the world who have a shared desire for justice to act together in their communities.
First Responders Children’s Foundation provides financial support to both children who have lost a parent in the line of duty as well as families enduring significant financial hardships due to tragic circumstances. First Responders Children’s Foundation also supports, promotes, and facilitates educational activities and programs created and operated by law enforcement and firefighting organizations whose purpose is to benefit children or the community at large. #FirstRespondersStrong.
HOXXOH: Website | Instagram
PUZZLES WITH PURPOSE: Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
ARTIST RELIEF: Website | Instagram | Facebook
BLACK LIVES MATTER: Website | Instagram | Facebook