After 10 years of giving his art away for free as part of the now infamous Free Art Friday project in the UK, My Dog Sighs has this year finally found himself strapped in to a well-deserved meteoric rise. With an incredible international following in Israel, Japan and the UK, three sold out shows under his belt, and astronomical numbers on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube; My Dog Sighs is fast becoming an important figure on the contemporary art scene.

it’s going really well, thanks. When we were last in touch I thought I was at the peak but I’ve been blown away by the last year or so. I’ve had so many amazing opportunities to paint across the globe with some incredible artists, and hung work on walls alongside some serious paint heroes. I’m painting full time now, and the opportunity to wake up each day knowing I’m going to be throwing paint around is fantastic. painting 8 hours a day has also helped me refine my work. There’s nothing like grafting to help you improve your style. I’ve been cutting hairs of the brushes too. a 000 with half the hair removed makes for super tiny accuracy!
I’d been sending a few pieces out to Vertical Gallery in Chicago for a while now and they phoned and asked if they could represent me at Scope Art Fair in New York City. I didn’t realize until I did a bit of digging quite how big Scope is. For this edition of cans I have the girls (pictured above) hiding behind a stripe of paint, each colour matching the paint in the old can (a full rainbow of 30 cans). The western view of beauty achieved through make up intrigues me yet these stripes can also refer to war paint. A mask to hide behind or an aggressive gesture? The rusted panel they sit on nods to the urban landscape roots of the freeartfriday project that inspired them and a reminder of the beauty that can still be found in decay; beauty in the discarded. It also frames the eyes; the (cliche warning!!) ‘windows into the soul’ with their glassy reflection giving a tiny glimpse into what the cans see. On close inspection you will see the reflection of a figure, me the artist, leaving a tiny snapshot of myself. or maybe it’s you, the viewer. only the can knows. I’ve also moved onto painting crushed spray cans. I love the history each can has and the unknown narrative it has with the walls it’s painted; a history that involved the concrete canvas… territorial pissings? political slogans? creative ramblings? lost voices? Only they know.
I also understand that you will be having a Solo show at the Vertical gallery in Chicago in September. Could you elaborate on that as well?
It’s just been confirmed, yes. Opening early September. Its going to be called ‘lost and found’ and my aim is to bring some of the beauty in urban decay into the gallery using lots of found materials alongside my melancholic characters to hopefully create an exciting space.
Is this your first trip to the USA as an artist?
It is as an artist. I’m looking forward to hooking up with the street art community when I’m there, leave plenty of free art pieces and of course, leave my mark.
What else would be doing while in Chicago?
The plan is to get out there early and hit the city hard, create a buzz, possibly get people involved in a big free art drop and maybe a treasure hunt or two.
Any other forthcoming plans that you would like to share?
I’m bursting full of things that are happening but not sure I’m allowed to tell yet. One involves a pair of my eyes 90ft across on a 17th century stately home. Keep your eyes out for that one! I’m also hoping to get over to Miami for Basel this year. Every year i sit at home in the UK winter watching artists i adore painting BIG and definitely want a bit of that action.
Big shout to street art united states for supporting UK artists. I Look forward to catching up with a few of you on my travels.
You are most welcome My Dog Sighs, and SAUS would like to extend the invitation to come Boston during your US tour this summer if you are ever in our neck of the woods!