Chemis, old man and the sea.
Chemis, old man and the sea. Chemis, Old Man and the Sea. from Capture the Moment Media on Vimeo. 3D Graffiti? We had no idea such a thing existed until we met “Chemis”, an extremely talented Graffiti Artist. We had the opportunity to explore the process behind this incredible mural which took place in our …

Banksy’s residency on the streets of New York comes to an end.
It all began on Oct. 1 when Banksy announced on his website an “artist’s residency” titled “Better Out Than In’” for the whole month of October on the streets of New York City and the other boroughs. Each day the artist graced us with a new work and was announced online through his website, Instagram, …

Interview: JPS
JPS is an artist currently based in the south west of England. His stencil and non stencil based work has given him great publicity, reviews and acclaim. His work has been purchased by collectors around the world and appears alongside such names as Damien Hirst, Banksy, Nick Walker, Andy Warhol and Tracey Emin. He appeared …

Featured Artist: yazan halwani
“I know I’m not changing the world, but I hope I’m changing the city a little. Making it my own. Our own, not just mine. Reclaiming it.” The city in question is Beirut, Yazan Halwani’s hometown, where he was born and raised. It all started when he was just a boy, listening to French rap. …

INTI – Sudaka en Paris
INTI – Sudaka en Paris from graffiti valparaiso inticastro.com stgoundercrew.com mtn-chile.com

C215 Stencil Haiti, April 2013
C215 Stencil Haiti, April 2013 GUEMY Christian C215 “Stencil Rara” C215 Stencil session in port au prince, haiti, April 2013. Many thanks to Aude Hulot, Viktor Gjengaar, the Rara Follow Jah and the very nice people from Haiti. Rara !

Robo-rainbow from mudlevel Instrument of mass destruction. (complicated technical solution to aide in simple acts of vandalism) SHOT BY ADAM NILSSON, ON A CANON 5D.

Interview: My Dog Sighs
My Dog Sighs is an Artist based on the south coast of the U.K. His style is characterized by the combination of melancholic, and often naive portraiture, with the use of found materials including abandoned food cans; an unusual choice when considering traditional street art ideas of painting or pasted walls. Initially, stemming from the …

Interview: STINKFISH
Stinkfish was born in Mexico, and at the age of 4 he moved with his parents to Bogota, Colombia, where he now resides. Most of his work is primarily created by portraying a variety of Random faces artistically. He loves to take pictures of random people, who are not aware he is taking, and from …

Interview: NME – An unconventional interview.
Nme’s own words: My Bio won’t ever be no professional airbrushed Hollywood writing, and it won’t be all sharp and formal; this isn’t a piece from a science textbook. It’s just gonna be true and undiluted, so if you’re looking for Shakespeare, then boy the library is for you! I just put pencil to paper, …

Analizarte is a street artist from Santa Fe, Argentina. She started drawing and painting since she was a little girl. She uses wall paint mainly because it is affordable, something many artists do in South America. Analizarte also tags every mural she paints with “ARTISTA BUSCA PARED”, meaning Artist Seeking Wall. It is her way …