Jade Rivera – El Abrazo De Un Deseo
Serigraph on Modigliani paper 260gr.
50x68cm (20″x 27″).
Series of 75.
Signed and certified by the artist.
Jade Rivera was born in Junín, Peru in 1983. At the age of seven he moved with his mother to Lima. Rivera was raised in the district of Chorrillos, where he went to public school, he became curious for art at 11. The poor teaching of his school and his growing interest in art motivated him to devote himself more to drawing and painting. At 17 he went to the Pre National School of Fine Arts, but gave up postulating at the last moment, developing his work empirically. Rivera considers himslef as a self-taught artist since 1997.
Jade has been recognized for his large format murals and also for his miniatures in different parts of the world. Along with his work as an urban artist, Jade devotes much of his time to work in the studio exploring more traditional techniques such as oil and watercolor.
“Mis pinturas me recuerdan que morimos en cada segundo y nos desvanecemos”

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