Ann Lewis

Is The Gap Between Men And Women In Street Art Still Wide?
The debate over how and why men and women are different and what that means for their roles in society is far from settled. According to a Survey by the Pew Research Center. a majority of Americans believe there are definite differences between men and women in terms of how they express their feelings, their physical abilities, their …

Hubweek Walls 2018 Bring Colors & Vibrancy To Boston’s City Hall Plaza
October 8th-14th marked the third annual HubWeek Festival in Boston, with a rich week centered around innovations in art, science and technology. Founded by The Boston Globe, Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital, and MIT, HubWeek is a self-described “giant petri dish welcoming impact-oriented artists, academics, entrepreneurs, researchers, executives, makers, and up-and-comers” that “brings together the …