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Brian Greif

I am from coal country. Though I live in New York now, I still have a special affinity for middle American culture, for gas station with worn neon signs advertising showers for truckers. I swoon over cheap motels where couples likely rendezvoused in the seventies, and dive bars where smoking indoors is still legal. I …


Rebellious in nature and illegal in practice, the Street Art & Graffiti Movement began as a subculture that manifested on streets and abandoned buildings. It intended to subvert the status quo that dictated an artist’s work is best shown in sterile gallery settings rather than the democratic, accessible background of our everyday environment. Artists participating in …


You may have heard of the Nashville Walls Project or the 2017 documentary Saving Banksy. Well, Brian Greif, owner and co-founder of 2:32 AM Projects played an important role in getting both projects off the ground – and very successfully, I might add. Greif is an art enthusiast who feels that street art and graffiti are equally important movements – …


Nashville Walls Project in Nashville, Tennessee recently wrapped up a big mural project that featured nine artists painting new works around the downtown districts’ Ellston Parking garage. Local street-artist Chris Zidek aka Zidekahedron took on the largest structure creating a remarkable piece along the 45 ft x 100 ft facade as well as  the artist …


Would you rather go to see the work of internationally famous anonymous artist Banksy or work of local artists? The best answer is two-in-one. Writing On The Walls: Visual Literacy Through Street Art Culture exhibition is on view in the Jax Makerspace Gallery at the Jacksonville Main Library from Feb. 14 – April 14. The group show …


Recently the Brooklyn-based artist Beau Staton visited Nashville, Tennessee as part of the Nashville Walls Project to paint a new mural that brings attention to the waterways of Middle Tennessee and the value they bring to the area.     About the Mural Located on 5th Ave in Downtown Nashville, the 75X70 foot mural  shows a …
