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Yuijou in Ephrata, PA

In a relatively short urban art career, Fin DAC has defined and perfected an atypical paint/stencil style that ignores the accepted visual language of street art almost completely – he calls it Urban Aesthetics (a modern-day take on a 19th century art movement). Hailing from Cork (Eire), Fin Dac lived the majority of his life in …


Artist Conor Harrington, born in Cork, Ireland in 1980, lives and works in London. While the military figures in Conor Harrington’s powerful street paintings refer to the masculinity of urban culture, they can also be interpreted as self-portraits of the stoic, pensive persona of the contemporary painter. Harrington’s loose brushwork, seemingly unfinished imagery, dripping paint, …


“In a relatively short urban art career, I have defined and perfected an atypical paint/stencil style that ignores the accepted visual language of street art almost completely – I call it Urban Aesthetics (a modern-day take on a 19th century art movement). Hailing from Cork (Eire), I have lived the majority of my life in …