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Interview with Mantra

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Last year French artist Ernest Pignon-Ernest organized an exhibition at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Arts in Nice, his hometown in sunny South of France. The exhibition ended January 8th. About The Artist Ernest Pignon-Ernest is recognized as a street art pioneer in France. Born in 1942, the artist who currently lives and works in …

Le Bien Commun

The Bordeaux based, French artist Rouge painted a mural on a Library Facade in the neighborhood of the Grand Parc in Bordeaux. Entitled “Le Bien Commun” (The Common Good), the mural took from September to November to complete. The project was curated by Pôle Magnetic, with the support of Drac Nouvelle-Aquitaine, in collaboration with MC2A, The Bordeaux Libraries, …


Recently, French crew Monkey Bird and Mexican artist Said Dokins met in France, in the charming city of Bordeaux, for an extraordinary collaboration. They have amazed us with their common creation entitled ‘The Secret Message’. About the mural The 300m2 mural, created for #Correspondances and organized by Pole Magnetic Street Art Bordeaux, clearly sets us …


“RELFEXION//Respect” by Dourone in Boulogne-sur-mer, France. For the first edition ever of the urban art festival in Boulogne-sur-mer, curated by Street Art Avenue and the council of Boulogne-sur-Mer, Dourone and 4 international and national artists were chosen to work on  large-scale murals in the heart of the city. About the Mural For this this piece, Dourone …


Ella & Pitr met on an Autumn night in 2007, in a random street, as each of them was pasting posters on the walls. That same year, they united their talents and formed “Les Papiers Peintres”. Over time, they have made a great number of works in France (mainly in St Etienne), Chile, Portugal, Canada; …


Saint-Étienne sensation OakOak’s hilarious, imaginative, irreverent and sometimes a little macabre street work has filled column inches from BBC Brazil to Beijing’s biggest daily newspaper… Daubing simple graffiti and paintings on urban features – often the broken ones – OakOak does what street art does best, amuse and inspire people of all ages and demographics …


ADOR and SEMOR are French-based artists, who like telling stories with a vocabulary of their own making. Taken directly from their expanding context, extracts are oriented and their selection is precise. Whether one uses one’s own language or attempts to make elementary communication, their weekly meetings are the occasion to link and compare elements: indeed …


CRANIO / BIG WALL / EVRY – FRANCE from 2 IRMÃOS Filmes PLUS  edited by: André Peirão / 2 IRMÃOS Filmes Produced by: Pixo e Bea Pereira instagram: @2irmaos, @andrepeirao, @rpm79 SITE: | | FB page:


David WALKER in Nancy (France) from Galerie MATHGOTH. The Berlin-Based David Walker was in France earlier this month to paint the first ever legal mural in Nancy.  After long negotiations with the mayor, Mathgoth gallery was able to bring David to paint his biggest mural to date with his signature technique using only spay paint without any brushes or stencils.


“Grounding Gratitude” by Jorge RODRIGUEZ-GERADA With “Grounding Gratitude” painted at the festival In Situ Art of Aubervilliers during spring 2014, Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada sign one of the greatest portraits ever painted on the ground. She is Nicole Picquart, a social worker helping people to have better life. Galerie MATHGOTH


 Ella & Pitr / Au jour le jour pour toujours. From ella et pitr  “Au jour le jour pour toujours.” A film directed by Clément Fessy and MAF Music Audio Films. Coproduction : Franck Le Feuvre / Galerie Le Feuvre Paris. Music: Patrick De Oliveira.


INTI – Sudaka en Paris from graffiti valparaiso
