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Dung Beetle is the latest mural created by French duo Murmure Street for the Point de Vue Festival in Bayonne (France), organized by SpaceJunk Bayonne. This monumental mural is part of their “Garb-age” series which is based on dreamlike and poetic twists of the garbage bag. This object, symbol of our era and our consumerist civilization, …


Yesterday, my seven year old daughter solemnly asked me if it’s true that we only have twelve years left to turn around the future of our planet. We live just five minutes away from the ocean in England’s most politically green city, and while hugely admirable: it’s a drastic state of affairs for our neighborhood …


In July French Duo, Paul Ressencourt and Simon Roche Aka Murmure Street completed their first of a series of murals called “Garb(age)” in Vladivostok (Russia). Titled “Garbage Whale“, the mural was curated by the cultural festival V-Rox. After studying at the Beaux-Arts, Paul Ressencourt and Simon Roche have been transforming public spaces since 2010, and work under the …


Lebanon’s mounting garbage problem sparks violent protests in Beirut. The rotting garbage has been piling up on the streets of Lebanon’s capital city, Beirut, for one month and people are at their breaking point. Beirut’s main landfill was closed more than a month ago, and authorities have yet to come to an agreement on how …
