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In the intersection of science fiction and documentary filmmaking, “Lyd” takes viewers on a compelling journey through time and space, unraveling the rich tapestry of Lyd, a 5,000-year-old metropolis that once connected Palestine to the world. Directed by the talented duo Rami Younis, a Palestinian filmmaker, writer, and journalist, and New York-based documentary filmmaker Sarah …


In the shadow of rubble, the hopes and dreams of 13 innocent children were tragically silenced by the thunderous echoes of American-Israeli missiles in Rafah, Gaza. The aftermath of this devastating event marked a turning point for Belal Khaled, a Palestinian artist and journalist, whose lens had been capturing the harsh realities of life in …


In a deeply unsettling manifestation of the human cost of the war on Gaza, UK activists have taken a poignant approach to draw attention to the tragic loss of innocent lives. Since October 7th, the war has claimed over 11,500 Palestinian children in Gaza and the West Bank, a devastating toll that is difficult to …


Independent journalists Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen documented Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza during the war, and chronicled its horrific aftermath. As they waded through the rubble of Gaza’s destroyed border regions, they turned a camera onto the survivors of the slaughter and let them speak for themselves. While giving voice to the pain of …


The Bergen Based street Artist AFK just finished a striking and brilliant piece for the Gadekunst Festival in Kristiansand, Norway. About The Mural On the 15th of March 2017, Professor Richard Falk presented to the United Nations, a report congruent with international law that concludes with overwhelming evidence and beyond a shadow of a doubt that Israel …


The British street artist Banksy just announced the imminent opening of his new piece: the “Walled Off Hotel” in Bethlehem, with a view of the Israeli separation wall. The British street artist Banksy continues to surprise with a new creation in the Palestinian territories. It is, in intention, “the worst view of any hotel in …
