James Finucane

Norway’s first LGBTQ+ Mural Constructed as Part of Løkka-lykke Street Art Festival in Oslo
Up-and-coming street artist Eva Hansen Sjøvold painted Norway’s first LGBTQ+ mural as part of Løkka-lykke Street Art Festival in Oslo this past June. Løkka-lykke is the first street art festival in Norway to take place in the capital city, and it has a decidedly local profile, aiming to work with local Norwegian artists. Eight artists …

“The Secret Garden” By Xenz In Oslo, Norway
In Oslo, Norway, curator, producer, and founder James Finucane has restarted his street art operations “after a long postponement due to COVID.” The enterprising individual heads Street Art Oslo, “an online platform and IRL network of artists, curators, producers and scholars dedicated to improving conditions for the production, reception and dissemination of street art and …

Catching Up With Polish Artist Someart
In June 2019, Estonia hosted Stencibility Street Art Festival in Tartu, its second-largest city. The festival’s website states that it sought to foster street art “in its most authentic quintessential definition.” Stencibility outlined the tenets of such a definition with their manifesto stating that that “(1) public space belongs to everyone who uses it (2) …

Degrowth: A Negative Growth Of An Economy Or A Population
There is only one thing we can count on in this chaotic universe: nothing lasts forever. Nothing lives forever, keeps its shape forever, or even stays in the same place forever, because place is in many ways relative and even if one particle remains fixed, the things surrounding it shift, thus relatively altering its location. …