Our 2019 Top 20 Images on Facebook
Dare I begin with the $120,000 Art Basel banana? That was all over social media and made the cover of the New York Post; a ripe banana duct-taped to the wall, all in the name of art. People were fascinated by it. It caused a spectacle. My mother texted me (six times), “Did you and …

2015 was another year of relentless news, much of it horrific, disheartening and brutal. A year of turmoil and drama that showed the worst of humanity. A year filled with beheadings, plane crashes and natural disasters. But it was also a year of outright triumph and success and reasons to be optimistic. First off, Paris, welcomed the year and to some extent ended …

Interview: JPS
JPS is an artist currently based in the south west of England. His stencil and non stencil based work has given him great publicity, reviews and acclaim. His work has been purchased by collectors around the world and appears alongside such names as Damien Hirst, Banksy, Nick Walker, Andy Warhol and Tracey Emin. He appeared …