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I’ve been reexamining “The American Dream” an ideal that encapsulates the sentiment written on the Statue of Liberty, a prominent symbol of immigration. Emma Lazarus has a poem written on the plaque, “Give your tired, your poor huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.” I have come to find that this is just an ideal, as …


I’m interested in beliefs. I’m interested in those beliefs that sit at the foundation of an individual’s character, where all corollary beliefs, perspectives, and in turn, personality traits spring from. I’m interested in lowest common denominators. In my experience discerning my own beliefs, a necessary function of growth, I’ve come to find that the strongest …


Spaik is a Mexican urban artist whose colorful works are inspired by the Latin American folklore. He works mainly in Mexico but has also done murals in other countries in both Central and South America. In his paintings Spaik uses topics related to local traditions and makes mythical references of traditional stories. Presently he is …
