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14 street artists from 6 countries descended upon Estonia´s second city, Tartu, last month for the 10th anniversary of one of Europe’s longest running street art festivals, Stencibility. Over the course of five days site-specific artworks were supplemented by a satellite program of events including artist talks, workshops and the launch of the 2nd issue …


The seeming concrete infinity of the city, has in recent years been broken up by murals created by artists,(often former graffiti artists).  These artists have discovered legitimacy and entrance to the world of established art, by being backed by commissoners like public art focused Controno Urbano, based in Barcelona.  This December, Controno Urbano has artists …


During the month of September the UPEA street art festival takes place drawing locals and tourists alike. Organized by the non profit association Upeart, the multi-city street-art festival invites the most talented artists from all over the world to create large-scale murals and public artwork. For its third edition, the 12 different cities include Kotka, …