Slim Safont

One Barcelonian Shot: Slim Safont
“Look. If you had one shot or one opportunity. Would you capture it or just let it slip?” In 2002, Slim Shady aka Eminem’s alter-ego, violently shared his angst which moved a chord in each and every one of us, rap aficionado or not. To one Barcelonian, that song was a life changer. Overheard over …

When art represents an everyday memory: the story of Giada and her grandfather Tonino
For this year’s edition of LuceFest, in the small village of San Pietro Magisano in Calabria, Italy a hyper-realistic and hyper-impressive mural was painted by the artist Slim Safont. The aim of the festival, which took place from August 28 to September 6, is to give a new face to degraded or abandoned landscapes in …

Nuart Aberdeen 2022 | Festival Announcement
This June 9th through 12th, Nuart Aberdeen is back to paint the infamously gray Granite City in Scotland with full force once more, after last year’s abbreviated edition featuring a series of staggered artist residencies and Nuart’s inventive ‘Stuck Up’ program, where artists from around the world sent paper artworks for the festival team to …

2 Murals For Urban Myths In Minsk, Belarus
This month witnessed the completion of the massive “Future” Triptych in Minsk, Belarus. The project, initiated by Urban Myths, consists of “three huge murals on the walls of 12-story buildings near the wide road in Minsk, which is a kind of ‘gateway of the city’ on the west side,” according to a press release by …