“Danger of Extinction” is the latest piece by ex-Ukrainian Duo Internesni Kazki known as WAONE. This mural was painted for Pangea Seed, Sea Walls: Murals for Oceans and Artsynonym in collaboration with Art RePublic in Jacksonville, Florida.

danger-of-extinction-by-waoneAbout the Mural
The mural is dedicated to raise awareness about the North Atlantic whales, which are one of the most endangered of all large whales, with a long history of human exploitation and no signs of recovery despite protection, since the 1930s. They reside around Cape Cod and the Bay of Fundy during the summer, but females migrate to North Florida and Georgia during winter time to give birth in the coastal waters of Jacksonville—where this mural is located. With keeping in mind that the Global whale populations are a small percentage of their once abundant numbers, and still under great threat, due to human impact.



waoneAbout the Artist
As his name says, WAONE Interesni Kazki (Interesting Tales) Creates images where spiritual and imaginative meet everyday reality. Inspired by surrealist painters, Ukrainian folk history and fairy tails, hi art is a product of fantasy, visualized through style of contemporary muralism. Working with acrylic on murals and canvases, as well as ink on paper, he thinks what makes his art unique a, Concept, Idea, Symbolism, three of the most important elements of storytelling that the artist convey through his works. There is also life, energy, the spirit and soul of the artwork, but as a perfectionist, WAONE highlights the importance of the perfect technique. As he always pushing himself to do his best, he particularly pays attention to details even if they are unnoticed.  

Images by Iryna Kanishcheva

WAONE Interesni Kazki


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