After studying at the Beaux-Arts, Paul Ressencourt and Simon Roche have been transforming public spaces since 2010, and work under the name Murmure Street. They engage with the urban environment and investigate the boundaries between art and communication, exploring the relationship and interaction between the two.
For the past few months, they have been have been developing their latest project ‘Garb(age)’ that will be revealed in their upcoming exhibition in Paris in 2020. This series of works are based on poetical and oniric twists of garbage bags as a means of symbolising greed and the environmental cost of over consumption.
This scaled 1/1 zoomorphic trash mural was painted on wall of the Momy Troll Music Bar, an iconic destination in Vladivostok’s center.
The mural serves as a reminder of the ecological disaster that is the ‘seventh continent’ of plastic through the representation of this gracious and placid endangered animal.