In the heart of Paris, amidst the charming cobblestone streets and bustling cafes, a thought-provoking mural by Dalal Mitwally confronts passersby with the harsh realities of our world. Titled ” Ceci n’est plus une plage” (This Is No Longer a Beach), the mural serves as a powerful commentary on the intersection of art, politics, and everyday life.

Mitwally, a multi-disciplinary artist, has crafted a visual narrative that captivates and challenges viewers. The mural presents a striking contrast: on one side, a postcard of a serene sunset beach scene from Gaza, frozen in time two years ago, evokes nostalgia and tranquility. Yet, adjacent to it, a quaint Parisian café scene unfolds, with bystanders leisurely enjoying their Sunday afternoon. The juxtaposition is jarring, highlighting the absurdity of attempting to preserve normalcy in a world fraught with political unrest and turmoil.

“No room for normalcy in this world,” declares Mitwally through her mural, echoing the sentiment that nothing remains untouched by politics, especially in the public sphere. Through her art, she disrupts the conventional boundaries of artistic expression, reclaiming the streets as a platform for social commentary and activism.

For Mitwally, art is more than mere aesthetics; it is a vehicle for dialogue and introspection. Born and raised in Amman (Jordan), she draws inspiration from her surroundings, shaping her worldview through her relationship with the external world. Her upbringing instilled in her a profound connection to her environment, which she explores and interrogates through her art.

Navigating the complex landscapes of identity and belonging, Mitwally finds solace and empowerment in her creative expression. Her journey has led her to transcend the confines of traditional gallery spaces, embracing public art as an interactive performance that invites viewers to engage with their surroundings.

“Ceci n’est plus une plage” is not merely a mural; it is a call to action, urging viewers to question how external forces shape artistic expression and vice versa. Mitwally’s work challenges us to confront uncomfortable truths and reimagine the world through a new lens—one that acknowledges the inherent political nature of our existence.

As Mitwally continues to push boundaries and challenge perceptions, her art serves as a beacon of resilience and resistance in an ever-changing world. Through her thought-provoking murals, she invites us to join her on a journey of introspection and transformation, reminding us that the power of art lies not only in its ability to inspire but also in its capacity to incite change.



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