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Aec Interesni Kazki

AEC from the popular former duo Interesni Kazki published a couple of days ago a few images of his latest mural in Mexico City. About The Mural Titled “Icarus” and painted for The Beauty Project Mexico, the new mural depicts the myth of Icarus who helplessly falls from the sky. Probably making reference to heartless corporate …


As a part of the Mural Social Club Festival that is taking place in Ukraine a renowned Greek artist Fikos Antonios decorated a 16-floor high building in Kiev with the world’s biggest Byzantine painting. The name of the artwork is “Earth and Sky”.  “People you see are the personifications of the earth and the sky. …


ArtUnitedUs kicks off their 2-year project with Rustam QBic‘s ‘Labyrinth’ in Kiev, Ukraine. The mural depicts a character wearing a crown shaped like a labyrinth over his head who, guided by scarab beetle compass, tries to find a way out of a massive maze of life challenges. The mural reflects on the meaning of this journey, a journey we …