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This fall, street artist Artez toured Eastern Europe, completing three new murals in Belarus and Serbia. Artez, who originally hails from Serbia himself, took the opportunity to explore some new topics and techniques with his work. Fall is a time of transition, and only time will tell if these new attributes become permanent fixtures in …


Earlier this week, while reporting on the collaborative mural ‘Where’s Wally’ in Sacramento, California, I noted how murals stand apart from other art forms due to their public nature, and the integral roles they play within their surrounding communities. With his latest mural in La Bañeza, Spain, titled “Waiting,” Serbian street artist Artez pays homage …


Large-scale street art murals are, by nature, grand and flashy. How could they not be? Any artist provided with a canvas so large that it occupies an entire building’s facade naturally pours their passion into the project. As a result, the themes trend topical and grandiose. Serbian artist Artez often explores the quieter side of …


At the beginning of July, as summer crescendoed into its critical mass of long days bursting with life, residents, visitors, and artists in Acquapendente, Italy gathered for the fourth edition of UV Collective’s Urban Vision Festival. The event, hosted in this agriculturally-minded city situated in the northern region of Viterbo, has hosted an esteemed roster …


I do a lot of writing at Hotel Indigo on New York’s Lower East Side. The snacks are too expensive to even consider purchasing, but there’s free strawberry lemonade and the air that streams through the vents smells purposely perfumed. One night, walking home from an especially harrowing battle with a blank page, I turned …


March 3rd, 2019 concluded the third edition of Urvanity Art Fair, a relatively new urban art festival in Madrid, Spain. Urvanity’s manifesto emphasizes the importance of new trends in the manner with which art and cities interact, and the festival has dubbed itself “a platform for a New Contemporary Art.” Simultaneously though, Urvanity focuses on …


Some people like airplanes. Others like encyclopedias. But, for Serbian muralist Artez, a bike is the best place to see the world from. The artist’s prolific portfolio has brought him around the globe, and his murals typically depict diverse citizens traversing the world for themselves, whether on a bipedal locomotive device or in the pages …


Serbian street artist Artez made a brief sojourn to Cairo, Egypt to create another ethereal, large scale mural in only two days. The artist sought to incorporate Egypt’s storied culture into the new work, titled “Sand Stories.” A statement released by the artist explains, “During my stay and especially during the time I was painting …


Serbian street artist Artez returns to his consistently present motif of reading in his new mural “Floating On A Dream” completed for RestArt Festival in Imola, Italy late last September. “Floating On A Dream” brings the artist’s signature blend of serenity and whimsy to this beautiful Bolognese town situated near Italy’s Northwestern coast. Artez explains …


Serbian artist Artez recently painted this larger than life mural titled “Expected Surprise” in Vienna, Austria for the Calle Libre Festival. In his true style, Artez blends hyper realistic themes with photo realism clarity. His colorful palette is also a trademark of his work and the precise design and layout allows one to forget how large this …


The latest edition of the Mural Istanbul Festival ran from June 20th – July 8th. Since its founding in 2012, the organization’s focus has been to transform Kadıköy‘s (a neighborhood in Istanbul, Turkey) walls into vibrant urban canvases, courtesy of some pretty awesome street artists (think INTI, Fintan Magee, Deih). This year,  Lonac and Artez …


In this era of the inescapable “spin zone” where alternate facts rain supreme and consumers must learn for themselves how to discern native advertising from genuine content, it can be a tiring daily job to decipher what is fact and what is fiction. Truth itself is a concept than numerous artists have taken on through …