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With its fourth edition, FestiWall continues to enrich the Italian city Ragusa‘s cultural heritage with a series of works of art created by world-renowned artists. The works of the artists invited for the 2018 edition are grafted in the northern part of ​​the city where award winning Dutch muralist duo Telmo Pieper and Miel Krutzmann …


Now in its 4th edition, the International arts festival, FestiWall will return to Ragusa, Italy on September 10 with a new roster of internationally acclaimed street artists. Adding to the collection of public art that’s steadily flourishing around the city, the week long festival has revitalized the community and put Ragusa on the map as …


Festiwall wrapped up this year’s annual festival with a brilliant mural by Australian street artist Guido van Helten painted around the stairs in the back of the Liceo Classico Umberto Primo school in Ragusa, Italy. About The Mural The title of this piece is “L’attesa” (The wait), depicting two teenagers pensive and waiting for something or …


Last September, Russian artist Marat Morik painted his last mural in Sicily during FestiWall‘s week-long street art festival, located in the historical center of Ragusa. Titled ‘On the Way to Pescheria’ (Italian for ‘fish shop’), the mural showcases Italian traditions. About The Mural  “On the Way to Pescheria” is highly representative of Italy, as it reveals …


At this years’ annual FestiWall in Ragusa, Italy, Sebas Velasco painted a new mural titled “Il Suonatore Gino.” Now in its third year, the week-long festival includes live music, installations, street-art and workshops. It inspired the Spanish artist to pay homage to the musical and cultural ambiance that emulates the people and its city. It …


Hyuro just wrapped up her busy summer long painting tour across Europe with the brilliant mural entitled ‘Una donna libera’ (a free woman) for Festiwall in Ragusa, Sicily. About the Mural Hyuro said: ¨This wall pays tribute to Maria Ochipinti ( 1921-1996 ) militant pacifist, anarchist, feminist, a woman who can be´hardly labeled, recorded in …