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Galician artist Yoseba MP spent two weeks creating a large mural “Un castell, moltes llengües” in the Plaza de Guernica in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona). The project is part of one of the actions undertaken by the City Council of L’Hospitalet to establish an artistic circuit in the city’s public space.  In 2012, Yoseba MP won …


Organized by the cultural entity Rebobinart Association on behalf of the real estate development company Temprano Capital Partners, the Spanish street-art duo PichiAvo were recently invited to Barcelona to create their first large-scale mural in the city. For students that reside at the Livensa Living Diagonal Alto in Esplugues de Llobregat, a building designed by …


In May 2018, urban art advocate Rebobinart launched its Womart initiative with intentions to promote the visibility of women in this particular field and the entire artistic industry at large. By offering ten different female artists of widely varying styles the opportunity to participate in artistic “interventions” in ten different Catalan cities, Womart seeks to …